We recognize the importance and value of collective impact through collaboration with key stakeholders, providers and funders. We have extensive experience in providing an array of customized services to support your initiatives. This includes but is not limited to: challenges/opportunities assessment, proposal framework design including partnership/assets development and roles clarification, roundtable meeting management, and time-lined plan development and implementation strategies.
The following are examples of our work in Innovative Alliances and Collective Impact Collaborations:
- Led effort to establish the Connecticut Association for Community Transportation (CACT), an association that today represents public transit, paratransit and private transportation operators, with focus on advocating the important accessibility role the industry plays and to protect the federal/state funds it receives. Also, was a founding member of the national Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA).
- While at the City of Hartford, led a successful 4-year, 24-member, community-wide coalition to secure a $19M US DOL residential Job Corps Career Center targeting out-of-school youth, leveraging over $4M in non-required matching funds to insure a competitive application.
- Led 25-member collaboration effort to secure and implement 6-year $28M US DOL Youth Opportunity Hartford grant that established collective infrastructure to serve out-of-school youth.
- Served on Governor’s Task Force to develop a proposal that secured $34M in one-time federal American Resource and Recovery Act TANF EF funding during the recession, to help low to moderate adults and youth secure subsidized employment and assist small business to recover and grow.
- Led effort while at Capital Workforce Partners to secure $1.5M Aspen National Opportunity Youth and Social Impact funding awarded as one of 23 cities, to develop a “collective impact” model involving over 40 community-based organizations for older youth not in school or working.
- As co-chair of ad hoc business-led committee, helped develop and launch the Hartford Student Internship Program (HSIP) through partnership with CWP, the City of Hartford, Hartford Board of Education, Connecticut Business and Industry Association and Metro Hartford Alliance, to increase summer and year-round internships for Hartford in-school youth and satisfy Capstone requirements.
- Led effort through a 15-member stakeholder organization committee to successfully secure $3M and implement the Governor’s first Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (IBEST) program serving offenders.
- Created leadership task force to address and research demographic trends related to an aging workforce, resulting in policy and other recommendations.